Thursday, November 12, 2015

Script-less Test Automation – Is it Really Script-less?

Script-less automation, this term is most popular nowadays in the world of test Automation. The companies who have such script-less automation tools / frameworks promote that it allows the business users to comfortably automate the business scenarios without having much knowledge on the tools and their underlying languages. So, is this approach really script less? Does the importance of technical automation testers have come down? Is there no demand for more experts in the test automation tools or the underlying programming languages? Not really.

Let’s understand what is this scriptless automation all about and how is it helpful in present scenario of test automation. Script-less automation is an abstraction layer over and above the Application Under Testing (AUT) and the automation testing tool, which consists of the hundreds of functionalities perform various actions on the AUT to test the applications. These functions may be common technical functions like “Open”, “Close”, “Save”, “Minimize”, “Maximize” or other common arithmetic functions which we perform. These can also be specific to the AUT, to test the functionalities on the applications – like creating a user, modifying a user, adding roles, opening an account, editing the details, closing the account etc. Though these script-less tools have several inbuilt functions/actions mainly keyword driven, but still we need the Test Automation experts to create new functions/actions or modify existing ones coupled along with the abstraction layer. Basically script-less frameworks/tools screens over and above all of these which may help the end-user or business user to automate the test cases.

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